John was born and educated in Orange. John was a partner in a large legal practice in Orange for 30 years and has been a Consultant with Blackwell Short for 14 years. He has extensive experience in Conveyancing, Commercial Law and Litigation. Over 20 years he has developed a sought after reputation in Building and Construction Law.
John has a particular interest in mediation as a cost effective and efficient way of resolving legal issues.
Areas of Practice
Business Law
Public Notary
Qualification /
Bachelor of Arts, Australian National University
Bachelor of Laws, Australian National University
Public Notary
Accredited Mediator
Vice Chairman – Cancer Care Western NSW Inc which promotes the expansion of Cancer Services in Western Areas and has built Western Care Lodge to accommodate cancer patients at Orange Health Services
Palliative Care Community
John has been involved in many community activities and projects including Banjo Patterson Park and Committee, Community access to legal advice, Orange Theatre Company, Orange Kart Racing Club

Articles by John
Get in Touch
60 Hill Street, Orange NSW 2800
P: 02 6393 9200
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Blackwell Short Lawyers Pty Ltd ABN 36 151 156 446 are members of the scheme.
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