Alison grew up in the Central West before completing her degree at the University of New England. Alison has grown the Blackwell Short Family Law practice to become one of the leading Family Law firms in the Central West.
Alison is experienced in Family Law with a focus on property and children’s matters ranging from very small asset pools to dividing large and complicated corporate structures focusing on resolutions rather than increasing conflict. As one of the founding members of the Central West Collaborative Practice Group and a trained collaborative practitioner, Alison offers out of Court solutions to separating families.
Sometimes separating families need the assistance of the Courts to finalise their matters. Alison regularly appears in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and the Local Court for her clients.
Areas of Practice
Family Law
Qualification /
Bachelor of Laws, University of New England
Bachelor of Commerce, University of New England
Graduate Diploma of Laws, Australian National University
Member of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals
Founding Member of the Central West Collaborative Professionals Group
Spending time cooking
Spending time with family and friends

Articles by Alison
Get in Touch
60 Hill Street, Orange NSW 2800
P: 02 6393 9200
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Blackwell Short Lawyers Pty Ltd ABN 36 151 156 446 are members of the scheme.
The material on this website is for general information purposes only. Approach us with your specific circumstance for legal advice.